Broccoletto or Turnip Tops Novantina
Brassica rapa var. cymosa L.
Inflorescence: Average
Leaf color: Dark green
Inflorescence colour: Pale green
Precocity: Late Medium
Brassica rapa var. cymosa L.
Inflorescence: Average
Leaf color: Dark green
Inflorescence colour: Pale green
Precocity: Late Medium
Beta vulgaris var. cycla L.
Coast: Wide
Rib colour: White
Leaf: Slightly blistered
Leaf color: Light Green/Blonde
Brassica oleracea var. sabauda L.
Head Color: Green Grey
Plant size: Medium to large
Head Shape: Semi-Flat
Precocity: Late
Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra
Head Color: Light green
Plant size: Medium-small
Head Shape: Long Cylindrical
Precocity: Premature
Brassica oleracea botrytis
Head Color: Creamy-white
Head size: Gross
Plant size: Medium-wide
Precocity: Premature
Citrullus lanatus
Fruit Shape: Oblong
Fruit weight in kg: 5-13 Kg
Skin colour: Streaked green
Flesh color: Red
Seed: Medium, brown
Precocity: Late
Cichorium intybus L.
Round-leaved radicchio, light green/blond in colour. After cutting, it repels quickly and evenly. With gradual sowing, the product is obtained throughout the year.
Cucumis sativus L.
Very productive variety with long, bright green fruits with few thorns.