Carrot St. Valéry
Daucus carrot L.
Foliage height: 50 cm.
Root length: 21 cm.
Root Shape: Conic section
Root Color: Orange-red
Precocity: Average
Daucus carrot L.
Foliage height: 50 cm.
Root length: 21 cm.
Root Shape: Conic section
Root Color: Orange-red
Precocity: Average
Cucumis sativus L.
Long cylindrical fruits with rounded exterior, dark green skin with many protuberances, compact flesh with very few seeds
Cynara cardanculus L.
Shape flower heads: Round
Flower head colour: Violet
Precocity: Early Medium
Brassica oleracea var. capitata L.
Head Color: Light green
Plant size: Big
Head Shape: Flat
Precocity: Late Medium
Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes
Turnip form: Round
Turnip color: Light green
Flesh colour: White woman
Leaf color: Medium Green
Citrullus lanatus
Fruit Shape: Rotunda
Fruit weight in kg: 8-10 Kg
Skin colour: Green, dark streaked
Flesh color: Red
Seed: Small, mottled brown
Precocity: Early Medium