Black Tuscan Laciniato Cabbage
Brassica oleracea var. acephala L.
Leaf: Long bubble
Leaf color: Green
Plant height: 70 cm.
Brassica oleracea var. acephala L.
Leaf: Long bubble
Leaf color: Green
Plant height: 70 cm.
Daucus carrot L.
Foliage height: 50 cm.
Root length: 21 cm.
Root Shape: Conic section
Root Color: Orange-red
Precocity: Average
Cichorium intybus L.
Round-leaved radicchio, light green/blond in colour. After cutting, it repels quickly and evenly. With gradual sowing, the product is obtained throughout the year.
Brassica oleracea L. var. alboglabra
Head Color: Light green
Plant size: Medium-small
Head Shape: Long Cylindrical
Precocity: Premature
Brassica oleracea var. sabauda L.
Head Color: Dark green
Plant size: Medium
Head Shape: Round
Precocity: Premature
Brassica rapa var. cymosa L.
Inflorescence: Average
Leaf color: Dark green
Inflorescence colour: Pale green
Precocity: Early Medium