Late variety with smooth green and fair skin that turns ochre as it ages. The yellow-orange flesh is firm but tender, with a musky taste. Each plant can bear 4 to 7 fruits weighing 1.5 to 3 kg, which will keep for 4 to 9 months. It is mainly used in cooking, raw fruits are served cut into salads and cooked for soups, cakes, purees and jams.
Tobacco is a herbaceous plant. To grow this plant, you need to plant the seeds in seedbeds as they are very small. When the plants reach a height of 30-45 cm, they are transplanted. After three months, you can harvest the leaves that have reached the right color.
An American variety of giant pumpkin that has broken all world records in terms of size and weight, even exceeding 500 kg. The orange-colored fruits can reach huge sizes up to a circumference of 3 meters.