Standard and SuperMaxi Envelopes
STANDARD SACHETS: Lithographed envelopes size 11x16 cm with European hole
BUSTONI SUPERMAXI: Lithographed envelopes size 13x20 cm with European hole
There are 10 products.
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Violet de Provence artichoke
Availability: 76 Available
Cynara cardanculus L.
Shape flower heads: Stretched
Flower head colour: Violet
Precocity: Premature
Vegetable chard Palla Rossa 2
Availability: 85 Available
Beta vulgaris var. Bloody
Root Shape & Color: Round, Dark Red
Height in cm: 30/35
Precocity: Early Medium
Asparagus Argenteuil
Availability: 93 Available
Asparagus officinalis
Fruit Shape: Cylindrical
Turoni colour: Pink-tipped greens
Seed: Piccoo, matte black
Precocity: Procedure
Roman Artichoke
Availability: 87 Available
Cynara cardanculus L.
Shape flower heads: Round
Flower head colour: Violet
Precocity: Early Medium